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This website contains links to other third-party websites.

I assume no responsibility for the content of third-party websites and am not liable in the event of claims for damages or personal injury resulting from the content of such websites. All links to other websites are provided to you as a user of this website for reasons of convenience. This does not imply that I have agreed to the content of the linked websites or that I have a legal relationship with their operators.
The Hamburg Regional Court ruled on May 12, 1998 that by including a link on ones page, one may also be accountable for the content included there. According to the court, this can only be prevented if the author expressly distances himself from this content.
I have no influence whatsoever on the current and future design and content of the linked pages. Therefore, I hereby expressly distance myself from all content on all linked pages.




The materials, texts and images on my homepage are subject to copyright and are NOT authorized for use. In individual cases, it may happen that the approval of the third party must be obtained for certain materials that I have taken over from third parties (images, etc.).

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